Additional Tools - Tax/Questions/Shipping - PledgeBox

Additional Tools - Tax/Questions/Shipping

Creators can use PledgeBox pledge manager system to charge TAX, set marketing questions, update shipping info, and invite business partners to manage.

1. Tax Setting

You can create tax, VAT, and custom rates based on countries in PledgeBox. The rate will be applied when the backers from the countries finish the survey. The backers will need to pay the extra fees before they can finish the survey.

2. Questions

There are three main types of questions you can set up: Text Question, Multiple Choice, and Attachment. These questions can be displayed in your survey to collect additional information you need. For each type, you will need to define the question content, provide a description, and associate it with the relevant rewards and products.

Below are the specific settings and functions for each type:

2.1. Text Questions:
Used for open-ended questions. You can set whether the question is required, limit the text length, and specify if only backers from certain countries can answer.

2.2. Multiple Choice:
This type enables you to offer pre-defined options for backers to select from. You can set whether the question is required, add sub-options, limit the number of choices, and specify if only backers from certain countries can answer.

3. 3.Attachment:
Used for uploading files that meet the question requirements. You can restrict the file size and format.

When you have completed the setup, you can use the “Preview as Backer” feature to review and ensure that everything meets your requirements.

3. Update Shipping

After you ship out the reward, it is a good practice to send note to each of the backers about their package. Use this function to upload the backer orders and send an email notification to backers.

4. Users

PledgeBox supports team work. Invite your team members to manage the survey project.

This type enables you to offer pre-defined options for backers to select from. You can set whether the question is required, add sub-options, limit the number of choices, and specify if only backers from certain countries can answer.
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