Survey Setting Tips - PledgeBox

Survey Setting Tips

Tools -> Survey Setting

Hide Positive Credit

You may see backers with extra credits in PledgeBox when:

1) Backer paid more money then the reward price
2) Backer pledged in the special reward
3) Backer gave tips when pledged the reward

When you sell add-ons in the PledgeBox survey, backers can use the extra credit to buy the add-ons if they do have.

You can enable this option in the survey setting and hide all the positive credits.

Maximal Shipping Fee (Add-on)

In some scenarios, you may wish to set up a maximum shipping fee to override the actual shipping calculation if the actual fee is greater than the price you’ve defined. If you want to enable this function, select the checkbox and enter a designated number.

This will only affect the shipping fee of your add-ons to sell in PledgeBox survey.

Do not send survey to backers failed to pay on Kickstarter

After a campaign has ended, it’s not uncommon for some pledges to fail to collect if a backer doesn’t resolve their payment issues within 7 days of your project's deadline, their pledge will be dropped. But PledgeBox are able to restore failed backers’ payments via survey. You can also set not to send surveys to these dropped backers.

Disable Add-on Auto Display (Disable "Best Seller" Badge)

By default, the “Best Seller” badge will be given to the add-on with the maximum number of sales. It can be diabled.

The “Featured” Add-on product (always list as the first one on Add-on page)

Disable Add-on Auto Display (Disable "How many backers bought it!")

Only allow English Name in the survey shipping form

Backer can only enter English names in the survey.

Don`t ask shipping address in survey form

If you don't want to collect the backers’ address in the survey, you can turn this on.

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