All About Money
How to Charge Tax for My Kickstarter/Indiegogo Campaign on Surveys
PledgeBox allows you to set up Tax, VAT, and Customs Duty based on the total price of the Reward, PledgeBox add-ons, and shipping fees that backers have purchased. Go to " Tools" > click " Tax" Choose the type of Tax, and click " Add Country/Region" ...
When can I receive the funds for add-ons purchase?
When can I receive the funds of upselling? Creators will receive the payment right after backers make a payment.
What payment sources does PledgeBox support?
What payment sources does PledgeBox support? PledgeBox now supports 2 methods: 1)Stripe (recommended) 2)PayPal Tips 1: Payments are deposited into your Stripe account in real time for each transaction. PledgeBox's fees are automatically deducted by ...
How does PledgeBox fee get charged?
How does PledgeBox charge survey commission? If you use PayPal, you need to set up your credit card on the ‘Pricing Plan’ page first. All sales revenue will go directly to your PayPal and the fee will be charged on your credit card everyday based on ...
PayPal Setup for Receive Payment
How to Setup PayPal account to Receive Payments on surveys. PledgeBox supports two ways for creators to receive payments: Stripe and PayPal. The set up with Stripe is straightforward, while someone may find PayPal could be a little bit tricky. This ...
How do I set the payment methods to receive payments?
How to set the payment methods to receive payments on the PledgeBox pledge manager system? PledgeBox supports Stripe and PayPal. Connect Stripe to your project ( If you use Stripe, payments are deposited into your Stripe account in real time for each ...
What if there's a mismatch between the money a backer paid on Kickstarter/Indiegogo and the credit the backer has on the order page?
What if there's a mismatch between the money a backer paid on Kickstarter/Indiegogo and the credit the backer has on the order page? If the campaign is still alive, the data will be changing all the time because all the data is not final. Once your ...
How to refund to a backer?
How to Make a Refund on PledgeBox? Regarding the refund authority, creators can perform refunds for backers who have pledged on PledgeBox within 90 days from the date of backers payment (90-day refund period). 1)Please go to Kickstarter/Indiegogo ...
Popular Articles
Order Status
There are 5 order statuses on the PledgeBox system. Upgraded, Refunded, Unlocked, Locked, and Shipped. Upgraded - Backer has upgraded to the current reward from a reward with lower price. Refunded - Creator refunded the order. Unlocked - backers can ...
What if I don't see the email yet? (I didn't get my survey)
Check your spam folder. If you use Gmail, sometimes your invite will go to your "Promotions" tab. If you still can't find it, search your inbox for "PledgeBox" If that doesn't work: 1)Click - 2)Signup and ...
Pledged with Apple ID and having trouble accessing the survey
If your Kickstarter account was created with your Apple ID, you will need to manage your Apple login credentials via the Apple ID settings on your mobile device, or from your Apple account. This is also where you can manage the apps on which you use ...
PayPal Setup for Receive Payment
How to Setup PayPal account to Receive Payments on surveys. PledgeBox supports two ways for creators to receive payments: Stripe and PayPal. The set up with Stripe is straightforward, while someone may find PayPal could be a little bit tricky. This ...
Book PledgeBox Newsletter Boosting
How to join such a strong crowdfunding community with over 500K subscribers from Kickstarter? Book PledgeBox Newsletter Boosting PledgeBox's newsletter has been proved as an efficient channel to boost Kickstarter & Indiegogo alive campaigns. But our ...