Meanings of 4 Add-on Shipping Fee Setting Methods - PledgeBox

Meanings of 4 Add-on Shipping Fee Setting Methods

There are 4 Methods on the PledgeBox pledge manager system to collect Rewards/Perks' shipping fees for different countries/regions. Creators can collect add-on shipping fees based on items, SKU weight, total amount, or package weight.

When Creator needs to charge shipping fee for KS add-on or Backers purchase additional PB add-on during Survey, PledgeBox allows you to charge shipping fees according to the following four methods. (Methods 1 and 2 can be used in combination.)

1)Based on Item
2)Based on SKU weight
3)Based on Total Amount
4)Based on Package Weight

Please refer to How to set up shipping fees for Add-ons? to set up add-ons shipping prices.

1. Based on Item

Backers will pay for shipping fees based on the quantity of Add-on items they purchase. You can set the Shipping Countries/Regions, backers outside the selected countries/regions won't be able to buy the Add-ons.

Shipping fees setting such as:
Shipping Setting based on Item

  1. Assume a backer orders two products
  1. PledgeBox calculates the total shipping fees as follows:
USA: $25.00 x 2 items = $50.00;
UK: $30.00 x 2 items = $60.00;
Other Countries: $40 x 2 items = $80.00.

PS: DELETE EVERYWHERE ELSE when you only ship to backers from the USA and UK.

2. Based on SKU Weight

Before you can use this method, please set the product weight for each add-on you want to sell. The backer will pay for shipping based on the total weight of the add-on products.

Create weight band for a product weighing 10 kg, such as:

  1. Assume a backer orders two products.
  1. PledgeBox calculates the total shipping fees as follows:
US: 10kg x 2 items = 20kg = $45.00;
UK: 10kg x 2 items = 20kg = $45.00;
Other Countries: 10kg x 2 items = 20kg = $50.00.

PS: DELETE EVERYWHERE ELSE when you only ship to backers from the US and UK.

3. Based on Total Amount

The system will calculate the shipping fee based on the country you select and the amount band you set. Unlike the previous setting, please go to Tools -> Survey Setting to use this method.

Shipping Setting based on Total Amount-1

Shipping Setting based on Total Amount-2

Example: A Backer from the US with an order totaling USD $200 will pay USD $20 for shipping.

Method 3 will also be applied directly to the reward shipping calculation.

4. Based on Package Weight

The system will automatically calculate the total weight of all products in each order based on the country you select and the weight band/weight range you set to charge for shipping.

Shipping Setting based on Package Weight

Freely choose the weight unit.

Set the weight band.

When you click save, the system will check whether all products have weight.
If not, you can quickly set/update the product weight in batches.

Example: A backer from Europe whose order weighs 20kg will be charged USD$15 for shipping.

Method 4 will also be applied directly to the reward shipping calculation.

5. Tips

Batch Update: Quickly modify countries price information in batch;
Copy Shipping Fees: You can copy the shipping fees from another product and reward;

  1. Add Everywhere Else: Add shipping fees to other countries other than your selected countries;

  1. Quickly Update: Quickly modify product essential information like weight in batch.

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